Morrison County GOP took money from a DFL lawfirm that targets conservatives, Lockridge, Grindal Nauen. |
The 2022 GOP convention season ran into several messes. Statewide, there were 35,198 reported caucus attendees – but only 17,801 voted in the straw poll for GOP governor. Could that really be a mistake? Amid the backdrop RINO resistance, many question whether it was deliberate.
In Morrison County, GOP stronghold of Paul Gazelka, there were allegations of vote tampering at the caucus level. At the second level, the county convention, nearly 70 ballots were nearly went uncounted, which would have given the victory to Gazelka backers. When the votes were properly counted, the victory went to Patriot backers. Then at the state senate and house convention level, somehow the establishment people doing the counting counted wrong by 2 votes -- and released no numbers of what they had counted. They decided against redoing the last debacle, which leaves us asking:
After the February 2022 grassroot caucuses in Morrison County, many names of attendees who signed up to be delegates were missing. GOP County Chair Mandy Heffron said that if forms were not completely filled out, they were omitted, or if people had called her beforehand, they could be put on the list. GOP candidate Neil Shah said, “As we started to receive delegate lists back from the MN GOP: our delegates were missing. People who had been elected as BPOU delegates were not on the lists coming back from the GOP — not simply mislabeled or listed with an incorrect phone number but missing wholesale... We know at least four distinct BPOUs where our folks were missing... We attempted to share these concerns with the MN GOP leadership Monday but were rebuffed.” The last I heard, Shah has never gotten some delegate lists from the MN GOP.
Action 4 Liberty reported on "irregularities" such as Rep Ron Kresha’s wife appearing on the delegate sheets sent to the MNGOP – when she was only an alternate on caucus night. Brittany Boone was elected that night as a delegate but has since been taken off the delegate list - same list that included Mrs. Kresha. Sara Schilling was elected as a delegate but her name was later missing from the MNGOP delegate sheets. Another precinct had at least 10 delegates removed and six new ones added.
To rectify the issue in Morrison County, the MN State GOP took over the subsequent convention, and said all names in doubt would be included as potential delegates for election. Then if the person showed up at the March convention, they would be allowed on the list as a delegate. My precinct leader told me that someone at the state level was fired.
The convention fray was presided over by a totalitarian-style party hack Justin Krych, appointed by the MN GOP. Krych routinely nixed motions to remove him or other motions to appeal his rulings. He ordered that an attendee be thrown out by the police.
During the counting, 70 ballots were to be set aside, claiming that Dan Schiller wasn't on the delegate list, when he was. Patriots are suspicious this was deliberately attempted, with the establishment people saying it was a mistake.
Nonetheless, the 70 were properly counted and 17 out of 22 seats went to Patriot backers, only 5 to establishment Gazelka backers.
The subsequent March GOP convention, to vote for Senate District 10 and House Districts 10a and 10b was another disaster.
The vote counters claimed that 2 alternates voted when they shouldn't have, nullifying the vote.
It was 11 pm, the contract with the school ended at 11:15pm. So they said they were recessing the convention – without revealing the results of any votes. Where's my $20 back?
The next step is the August primary. How close was the vote of Chuck Parens against Kresha? Is that what they are hiding?
Said state senate candidate Nathan Wesenberger:
"The chairs of the BPOUs making up SD 10 could not decide on a time to reconvene our convention. This is unacceptable. Our local party units have been the subject of speculation and controversy over the past few months, and the decision to not hold this endorsing convention does not help their case."
State senate candidate Brent Lindgren said:
Action 4 Liberty dug into the campaign finance records of the Morrison County GOP and found that their bank account acts as a slush fund for Gazelka and friends. Ninety-seven percent of money raised in the rural party unit comes from lobbyists and special interests outside of the district. In fact, a $1,500 donation came from a DFL-aligned law firm that filed an erroneous complaint against Action 4 Liberty (which we beat). And 91% of expenditures went to golf expenses in 2021.
That lawfirm, Lockridge, Grindal Nauen, also fought Patriot GOP lawsuits contesting crooked DFL “elections.”
The Morrison County GOP also donated $10,000 to Gazelka’s Senate account, which was then terminated and transferred to his gubernatorial campaign.
Video: Support for DFL firm Lockridge Grindal Nauen in Clay County, MN: By Fichbach Staffer & Michelle Benson's son Calvin Benson |
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